Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Addition

I have a new addition to my life's motto...

Up until now I have replied to hard times with, "it is what it is" with the thought, I can't change it, I have no control over the situation, "it is what it is."

Today, in my busy of a a life (not, I really need a job) I have come to an add on...

leave IT alone...

leave those mean thoughts alone
leave those bad thoughts alone
leave what she/he/it/that just said alone

leave IT alone... walk away and let IT roll into nothing. Life is too short and there are so many things we let bother us or offend us... just leave IT alone and move on.
Have a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. one thing i like about you not having a job is your ability to blog more. loved this!
