Saturday, May 26, 2012

Combo Pack

Day's 3, 4 and 5....
We took the pictures, but I forgot to post them! 
You know can have three for the price of one!
 He said something not so nice to me right before he took the picture...thus my face.
 We went for a drive and stopped to take some pictures with the cool shadows. Not perfect (cause you can totally see the phone) but it's cute!
We also found this really awesome neighborhood above 1300 east. You can't tell, but it is a really GREAT view of the Valley.

I guess I'll be posting later today for Day 6...... this might be a little annoying to do for 60 days......

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

We Work Out

Day 2: 
We worked out together today! I ran while Zac did his man thing. I liked it! I wanted to take a picture of us in our git-up and all sweaty.... but I forgot.
Surprise, surprise
 So you get the sleepy-eyed-face-biting us. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

This Just In....

We are a disgrace to the name
I decided last night that Zachary (my husband) and I do not have very many (23 to be exact) photos with together in our four years. We just aren't good at it. That's why we are going to take a little journey down picture lane.. I am beginning my next blog project entitled....

60 Days of 60 Smiles
Starting May 21, 2012

Day 1: 
Zac just got home from work (9:30 pm) while I was in the middle of watching the Bachelorett...just another Family Night in the Morrell home. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Feeling a Bit More Grown Up

We did it... .......We moved!
(In less than 4 hours) 
This new place is fantastic! I feel more grown up here.
Feeling Grown Up Reason #1--- Zac and I both agree we feel like we can cook in this kitchen. Yesterday I made tacos because of all the room in there! It isn't HUGE, but compared to our first place it's HUGE.
Feeling Grown Up Reason #2---We have laundry... under the same roof we sleep under! I love not having to drag it to the car and then from the car to where ever. 
Feeling Grown Up Reason #3-- We have a patio! It is small, but can put chairs out there and maybe some day a grill! My bike Kermytt lives out there right now. He seems happy to be outside and not stuck in our room. 
Feeling Grown Up Reason #4-- We have TWO bedrooms AND TWO bathrooms! Holllaaaaaa
Feeling Grown Up Reason #5-- There are two couches in our family now. Thank you Jackie ;D
Feeling Grown Up Reason #6-- Our food storage has begun thanks to food left! Whoop Whoop!

Feeling more grown up is a fun feeling. Too bad feeling grown up comes with more responsibilities and bills.... Now... I just need to win the lottery.
Pictures coming soon.

Happy Wednesday!
P.S Ally and Dan will be our first visitors-- Gotta  love double dates!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I am Becoming Domestic

I have made a little goal of getting as much blogging is as I can while I am off track. But it is not going very well. I have spent most of this week subbing for my team so I am beat at the end of the day. However, I have been up to a few 'domestic' things. It has been bugging me for a few days that my picture frames in the living room don't match. Soooooo.. I got some spray paint and made them all BLACK! crafty item number one. 
Crafty item number 2 is my greatest accomplishment that makes me feel all fuzzy inside. 
My oldest niece, Eliza Grace Bratt, is turning eight here in just a few weeks. We are going to make the trek to Colorado to be there for her baptism. Being that it is her eighth birthday I wanted to get her some special gifts, just from her Crazy Aunt Katie... and uncle Zac. 

I decided that one of my gifts had to have something to do with temples. I thought it was a GREAT idea because she is taking the first step in that directions. So last week Zac and I went to the book store and I picked out a cute picture of the Salt Lake Temple (her fav.) and Zac found a book with A.L.L the temples in it. She loves to read and he picked a winner for sure. As we were walking around the store I got a little choke up. 

Part two of her gift are these. 

Sorry the pictures are upside down, but you get the idea.

Yes I made them! Out of T-shirts!!! How 'domestic' am I?! Zac said he can tell I am really proud of myself, which I am. I have made two for me, one for Crazy Clara who is going to PERU on her mission on SEPTEMBER! Three for Eliza and one for her littler sister (the black one) because she is going to want some attention and it is WAY too small for Eliza. I think I really like these because it takes 10 minutes tops. I suffer from instant gratification when it comes to being crafty. Which explains the spray paint....... 
Next project, Sharda gave us her old Tv. stand that I want to paint  blue... or green..... or both!

The end of May is going to be straight C.R.A.Z.Y. Going back on track to do end of the year testing, Ally and Dan's wedding, moving, unpacking, BreAnne comes home from her mission and Colorado trip. We move in t-minus 4 days. Anyone want to loan us a truck?