Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Ally I swear I am not trying to take your thunder from Music Mondays. Promise. I just tend to go on tangents looking for songs I have never heard. I found this one this morning and this one.
I just love Lady A.
I need to buy EVERYTHING of theirs ASAP.
Thought I'd share it. I have a weak spot for country love songs.
Always have, always will....
Did you know, on youtube, if you put in an artist it will give you a mix of a bunch of their songs...
Who needs to buy music anymore!


You know how I usually am not a fan of Wednesday's?
If you aren't a regular, I despise them. However,this Wednesday seems to be a little different.
Basically...... I am excited for this Wednesday!
It better not do it's normal slower than life Wednesday-ness.
Hope you all have a FANTASTIC Wednesday.
Cause I think this will be the best for me in a long time.


  1. I LOVE LADY A! And those songs are some of my favs. You NEED to get their whole album "Need you now" Because seriously, it's a must have. HOpe you are doing great Katie!

  2. Ethan's obsessed with Lady A as well. They really are a good group.

    My dear, I think you are waxing poetic on your entires now. I feel like I need a Katie Decoder to figure out what you are talking about most days. I'm coming home in three weeks, and we'll make every Wednesday a fun, crazy, sister day if you like. Just wait, big sister will fix everything. ;) LOVE YOU!
