Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Ever had to deal with change?
I feel like I have had lots of change in my life... LLLLOOOOOOOTTTTSSSSSS
I clean at night...alone. Therefore I have lots of time to reflect on my life.
My thoughts for the past few nights have been on the change in my life.

Change is defined as: To make or become different; alter. To replace with or exchange for another. To transform or convert or be transformed or converted.

I feel like I have been altered and became different. For the better, but it hasn't been easy.
Ever heard the phrase... "Go with the flow?"
I have determined the 'flow' and I do not get along, like two roommates that just don't talk cause they despise the other one for not cleaning....
But seriously, I have been told all about the flow (lots and lots and lots and lots... Yo!) and how we come to 'bends' or 'forks' in it... as life progresses. I feel like I am on a white river rafting trip and am constantly having to choose right or left, getting splashed along the way.
But I am looking ahead. And being happy.
I am good at that.
In my new found... ness I have fallen in love with my new summer song.
Have a listen. I just love it.
I also love this song.
and this one

Oh and want a laugh... this song will make you FREAK OUT!! It is not what you expect it to be.... promise to not think less of me before listening to it.....

Needless to say, I am listening to a lot more country these days ;D
Hope everyone has a great weekend


  1. There is a quote, "The only constant in life is change." It sucks...but it makes us better people...most of the time. I am sad I don't get to student teach with you and Ally this fall.

  2. I love your blog! It's like reading through one of those calendars that gives random bits of knowledge each day but way more awesome. Change is good for sure I'm hoping for some real soon. I'm glad you've been listening to country lately. I have been too. I've been listening to an entire Brad Paisely CD at least once a day.

  3. Only country music could make fishing sound many inappropriate things are coming into my mind....I guess I will have to change...
