Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Once again, it is Wednesday. However, this Wednesday seems different then the usual ones. I am optimistic, scared and feeling a bit emotional to be honest. But I am ready for what the day will bring and know that the end of the day will be full of lessons learned and new experiences to reflect on.
I decided that I needed to start working out again. Mamma's cooking is to yummy to not have a few helpings. So I talked my two little friends into running with me twice a week. When I say little I am being serious. 13 and 14 to be exact. They are two crazy teenagers, thinking the world is going to come to an end cause a boy didn't talk to them or their outfit wasn't just right. At times I may want to strangle them, but being around them has helped remind me how simple life can be. I wouldn't mind if my outfit was the only thing I had to worry about.
Our run didn't last SUPER long, it was just right. We laughed and talked about random things as we ran. I got to know them on a whole new level. It was bitter sweet. They will be moving in a month and I will miss their whole family.

I am not sure why my hand is where it is, but just go with it.
(left to right, Brit, me and Mandy)


  1. First, I love that you have friends. I wish I had some friends here. Second, I thought I would let you know that its almost been a whole month without sugar or caffeine. suckkaaa. Also, i miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss you.

  2. What can I say? Yeah and stuff! Thanks for keeping me company on my run too...It is the weekend again! There needs to be a weekend ritual that needs to be started; now that there aren't any cartoons it is just not what it used to be!
